If you are looking to find out how to add PIP back into your insurance, enter your name and email, and we'll send you our "ADD PIP" PDF right to your inbox!
Ligament damage can happen in a small bumper hit, that only leaves a scratch. Your best bet is to get legal advice on what your next step should be. Insurance companies know you will tell them you feel good, and that you are not injured (they even record you every time you talk to them). They are literally banking on the fact that you want to settle for a few hundred dollars, and the fact you were talked into signing a PIP waiver!
One of the top reasons people need care is the damage to joints and ligaments. If they are not taken care of properly, the tissue can heal poorly, causing accelerated aging and arthritis. Don't let insurance companies bully you into settling without seeing an injury specialist!
We all assume if we are ever in an accident, that the other person (at fault) will have insurance to pay for any damages - to the car, and to the people IN the car (yours).
HOWEVER... if they don't have insurance or only insurance for your car, you don't have any coverage.
But what about personal insurance?
Yes- that is your only option. But- do you have a high deductible, and limits on care/visits?